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更新时间:2025-03-10 12:01:30
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1. All of that will come onto the market within the month of December, making it the largest flood of unlocked stocks ever.

2. But analysts expect a drop in coming months as thousands of new condo units come onto the market.

3. In the days when residential buildings did not come onto the market, public bathhouses were the only places where people took a bath.

1. Fortunately, some of these devices are starting to come onto the market.

2. come onto the market的意思

2. In the months and years ahead hundreds of thousands of new homes will come onto the market.

3. This soap has just come onto the market.


4. Light and quiet, the camera had just come onto the market, and it was a revelation.

5. That weakness is compounded as increasingly efficient vehicles come onto the market and China seeks to reduce the oil dependency of its economy.


6. Finally something wonderful has to come onto the market which is about to revolutionize the way we live.

The first batch of NextEV cars will come onto the market in the next few months.(第一批蔚来汽车将在未来几个月内上市。)
About 25, 000 units are under construction, with most due to come onto the market in two years' time.(在建的25,000套单元房大多将于两年后上市。)
Almost all the gold ever mined is still available as potential supply that can quickly come back onto the market - meaning that any spike in the price of gold could be short-lived.(几乎所有开采出的黄金仍然充足,潜在供应能够迅速投放市场——这意味着任何一次金价的上涨可能都是短暂的。)
come onto the market是什么意思 come onto the market在线翻译 come onto the market什么意思 come onto the market的意思 come onto the market的翻译 come onto the market的解释 come onto the market的发音 come onto the market的同义词